Hidden room not so hidden anymore!

Hello hello.


I have a small representation problem, and I would like to know if this is normal before calling the dedicated service. (that said, if it's not normal and you have a solution, I'm interested).


I created 2 configs in an assembly. Then I created display states by hiding certain elements (these are configs that can be present in both configs ... in short, it saves me from doing subconfig 2 times with risk of error)


In the assembly itself, it seems to work well. On the other hand, when I insert my assembly into another assembly, it's a disaster. All my hidden pieces become visible... Do you know why?

(my graphics card is up to date)

Hello, once the assembly is inserted into the other, have you activated the display state that corresponds to your hidden parts?


Haha... Yes! (I wondered about it too)


In fact, whether I switch from one display state to another doesn't change anything. My inserted assembly displays all the parts.

On the other hand, when it is opened on its own, it works very well

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Do you have multi body parts?

And try to show the correct display state in the subassembly, and then save it, close it, and reopen your parent assembly. Still the same problem?

And what version of SolidWorks are you in?

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I ask the question anyway, you never know ;)

After all, I know that I don't do like you, personally I create my display states directly on the final assembly to avoid any problems.

I just tried your method and it doesn't work for me either, I think you must have another way of doing things that I don't know :-/

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No, no multi-body piece as far as I know.


Yes, always the same problem. I tried the ctrl Q, the Solidworks restart stop, etc.

Where it's very frustrating is when I'm in the general assembly. I right-click on the small assembly to open it ... and it opens with the right config and the right display state. 

He knows he has to, but he doesn't. Grrr!

Ba actually, it's the first time I've done it Joss. 


It was supposed to make my life easier, but I feel like it's not intended for :(


Never mind, I'll continue to do a multitude of configurations.

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There is an SPR (SolidWorks improvement request), which strongly resembles your problem:

If an assembly with hidden components is inserted into a new assembly, and then some components are shown and patterned, why does the patterned instance still show the last saved display (components are hidden)?
This is intended behavior. The display details are saved in display states.  An assembly has its own display states which store display details of components in the assembly. Notice that when the display of a hidden component is changed to SHOW in the assembly, and the sub-assembly is opened, it is still hidden in the sub-assembly.  When creating a pattern, it is using the sub-assembly's display state to show the display in the assembly.

Normally it works, but you have to make knots in your brain to match the display state, the config in the sub-assembly and the assembly...

and rebuild every time you change your conf and/or display state...

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I have exactly the same concern as you and as @.PL points out, it looks very much like a solidworks bug. In a future version, you will probably be able to use the config. display as you wish ;-)


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Pfff, it's a shame.


Thank you PL for going snooping in the SPRs

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