Sheet metal part: Problem when importing model dimensions


When drawing a sheet metal part, when importing the dimensions of the model, the thickness dimension is never displayed (or almost...).

Is there a solution or configuration to overcome this problem?

In Solidworks Options, in System/General/Drawing Options.

There is an option "by default, mark all assembly parts dimensions for import into drawings"


Does this solve the problem?


And in your part model, I'll add a thickness property that would be related to the variable thickness

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Personally, I find it super dangerous to quote via the object of the model. Because if you click on the dimension and modify it, it's the part that modifies because these are the construction dimensions of the part...

@Bart: The option is checked. The problem of ownership is when you have a multi-body sheet metal piece with different thicknesses.

@ ac cobra 427: the big advantage is that the tolerances of the MEP are found on the model is vice versa. In addition, if the room is well modeled, it simplifies MEPs.

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Ok if you're in multi-body I think it's normal. For your MEPs you just have to make configurations with your different bodies and there it should work. You can use the delete body function, your creation tree you have welded construction and there you deploy and right-click on the body and then delete finally it depends on your version of Solidworks.

In a single body, the thickness is not displayed.

In single size, I enter the thickness in the cartouche via a property


Is it possible to post the sheet metal?

May the force be with you


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Some evening the sheet metal, can you try it at home? This will allow you to see if this is a problem with Solidworks or the configuration.



I would like your sheet metal because I practice very often like this and at home it works well .on the other hand  it is true that the rating does not appear in all views.

May the force be with you

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At home it doesn't work in the front and back views and for left-right and up-down it works and I think it's normal because normally it's in these views that you see the thickness of the part.... After all, it all depends on how you make your parts, but normally in the front and back views he can't create them...

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@ AC cobra 427 and Obi wan: Attached a sheet metal piece where the thickness is not displayed






At home it works, on the other hand when you insert the object of the model, have you checked at the bottom "include objects of hidden functions"

may the force be with you.