When I am on my part and I want to open my piece (already saved), I am asked each time to find the path to the drawing, the file is not saved in the same place.
Is there a function for it to find its way back automatically?
I think that's why he can't find the link... With you already had this problem or with you already proceeded in this way without any problem??? The MEPs must be put with the parts so that they keep the links between them.
Yes well personally, I have some parts that are in the file in the MEP and others that are not ... I don't have any worries about losing the link.
On the other hand, I don't go from the 3D asking it to open the corresponding MEP. Is it really annoying for you to have the folder open next to it and double-click on the MEP when you want it?
To use this function of opening the existing drawing, no choice it must be in the same folder as the part file and have the same name. As far as I know, there is no escape!
We worked like you at the beginning, folder for parts and another folder for MEP but as said above, a simple sorting by type of file allows you to see more clearly and to be able to use this function of opening MEPs.