Excluded part that remains in the welded part list

Hello everyone,

I have a file of welded mechanical part, chassis, in which I insert a plate via menu "insert" -> part, then "symmetry" to have 4

I don't do an assembly just for the turntable

I exclude each frame from the list of welded parts

But in the MEP, they are still there, even if I delete the list and recreate it

The only option is to hide the lines, but that doesn't make sense

I don't see what's wrong

Thank you for your help



uh I'm not a pro but I know a little ...

Try to delete the list of welded parts and reform it, then the parts you don't want you check delete/keep the body ...

Thank you for informing me ...@+ good luck.



I've already tried to redo the list of welded parts but it doesn't do anything better
Check delete/keep body? You mean via the function of the same name?

