Drive an Assembly from Custom Properties [SOLIDWORKS]

Hi all

Further to my previous question,

I want to drive an assembly using custom properties. So I created a diagram as a piece. I inserted it into an assembly and created parts directly in that assembly converting the entities in the schematic. So, my diagram directs my pieces.

I manage to make a form to control the schema, but I have to modify it to be able to display the form.

My question: How do I make a form for an assembly? I can make a form for a part but I can't make it for an assembly, even if I only go through the form creation utility, I only have the choice to save it as a part!

Oops, sorry but I just found it! A simple tab.... but which I quickly skipped!

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When you create it, you have to choose the type: part / assembly.

Otherwise it's because you're unlucky today...


By changing the extension to . ASMPRP by hand doesn't work?

By going through the outdoor van, you have no choice?

Is it an assembly that is open in SolidWorks?

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Yes indeed, I'm in an assembly and I create my form too quickly without paying attention to the type....

@PL, not impossible to manually modify the extension!