Controlling a solidworks dimension via excel?

Hello, after a lot of research regarding the excel side driver via solidworks, I am writing to you for help.

Indeed, I am currently doing an end-of-study internship, and I have to create an excel file to control solidworks dimensions via excel. I take up the work of a student from last year, she has already created this excel file as well as the design of the assembly, but I don't see how the pilot works.

Ps: I can send you the assembly with the excel file

Kind regards.


Concerning the families of parts (Excel linked to SolidWorks) see this link:

Or the help page:


Otherwise, when I start a new part family (many configurations on a SolidWorks file), I usually create 2 configurations, modify all the dimensions on one of the configurations, and then create the part family in automatic (inserting > Part Family > Automatic). This is a good start to understand how it works, and then we can add columns in the Excel file to add configurations.

You can also choose to link to an external Excel file, but in this case, you have to format it beforehand so that it respects the "language that SolidWorks understands".

@.PL: I think @ohsmogo want to drive an assembly. I think the constraints.


@remrem: The constraints of the assembly will be controlled in exactly the same way for an assembly. With a family of parts in an assembly, it is possible to:

- modify the dimensions of the length constraints,

- to remove or reactivate certain constraints,

- or even delete or reactivate parts or subassemblies, etc...


The best, as I said, is to do a test by creating 2 configurations and then to create the family of parts automatically.


Ok thank you very much for the speed of your answer,  I'll start with that and I'll tell you again!

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Thank you @.PL for these details.

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