Welded plate and DXF

In a mechanically welded assembly, it very often happens that we have to draw sheet metal plates.
My question is the following, is it possible for each plate included in a mechanically welded project, to create the corresponding DXF file, to transmit it directly to the workshop in order to carry out the cutting.
If so, what procedure should be followed? I specify that I use SW 2013 under W10.
Thank you in advance for your answers.



Yes, you just have to draw each plate with the sheet metal function and take out a drawing with all the plates on it? 


Or am I not quite understanding the question?

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yes right click on the turntable then "export dxf"

may the force be with you.

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You can also do: File / save as / Type dxf or dwg

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A big thank you to Obi Wan because the solution he offers is perfect. I had never had the idea of clicking on the turntable in the drawing itself to bring up the DXF export menu.

Problem solved. Thank you all for your answers