Chamfer bending


I would like to bend a sheet metal piece using the sketched bend function.

The problem is that solidworks doesn't want to bend me because of the chamfer. If I remove the chamfer, it folds very well.

Do you have a solution?

Thank you :slight_smile:

Capture d’écran 2025-02-17 093458

This is a question that comes up quite often...
SW is unable to bend/unfold if you have a variation in thickness on the bending axis...
In your case, I will do as follows:

  • a flat workpiece configuration with an active chamfer1 function
  • a bent part configuration with an active chamfer2 function

Of course, if chamfer1 activates then chamfer2 inactive and vice-versa...

Good luck...


Thanks for the tip, I'll do it like this.