Bending a Square Tube on Solidworks

Hello, I'm looking to know if it is possible to make a bend on a square tube in the mechanically welded design on Solidworks?
Thank you in advance.

no it is not possible to bend a tube in SW, because it is precisely a tube.
If it is for manufacturing, if it is done manually with a grinder or saw, an indication on the plan will suffice, if it is for a lasertube cut so for a series production the laserists will know how to cut it according to your instructions.
This is a somewhat recurring question on the forum. Go digging.

Thank you for this answer @Le_Bidule even if yes I suspected :sweat_smile:it. And yes it's for a serial laser tube production.


I'm sorry to contradict @Le_Bidule but it's possible via the sheet metal module. Here is a tutorial I made a few years ago:éparation-dun-tube-carré-en-tôlerie-pour-le-laser-tube