No longer able to do anything by leaving my room family


Often when I leave my design table I am no longer able to do anything, no longer able to save the document, to modify a part etc. This bug is recurring.


please help me 


I don't use this feature so I couldn't help you much but I think those who use it will ask you for a little more info on the bug in question like for example:

- Solidworks version.

- Excel version.

- Type of element handled when the bug appears (prt, asm, ...).

- Presence of error message.

- File storage area (local, server, Epdm, ...)

- ...

It's not easy to answer this kind of question if there isn't a minimum of information.

Kind regards


Can you post a file that has this problem so we can take a look?

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And look HERE at any chance if it's not the same thing, an Excel process problem that doesn't always close.

Kind regards


I think, like d.roger, of a window that remains open although hidden and that waits for a click.

Trying to alt-tab 2-3 times, SW is a specialist in generating windows that wait for a response but don't come to the foreground.

Side question: when you edit your family, do you do it in a new window or in the window integrated into SW? In general, I prefer the first solution.

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I found my problem it was my state of my linear repetition functions.