No solidworks restoration?

Hi all

I'm working on a network project, and I was wondering where the parts that were deleted go?

Indeed, they are not in the trash

impossible to find them,

To clean up the duplicates, following a rework of the plans, it was necessary to erase the family of parts,

My boss opened my assembly and deleted the parts, which "normally" erases all the supperflue parts

I lost 2 days of work

Is there a way to make a restore point with solidworks?



Sw does automatic backups locally. Maybe it's possible to get them back. 


On the other hand, the original deleted files, little hope. Especially if it was directly on the network. ..

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Good evening, if there is no network backup, you have to check if the backup copy is checked in the options! And in the same place you can see which folder it's in.
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ok so RIP

Thank you

oops sorry I'm republishing