Hello, I am looking for single-thickness fonts that can be used in solidworks for laser engraving.
Hello thierry.holley_1,
Here's it =>https://fontmeme.com/polices/polices-grave/
and this =>https://fr.maisfontes.com/font-family/gravure-police-telecharger
And this =>
lasersc.zip (369.8 KB)
You have several here:
Thank you for your answers, I'll look and see keep you informed.
See also the vast majority of posts in:
Hello, could you clarify what you mean by " single thickness "?
If I understand correctly what you're looking for, which is single-stroke fonts, you won't find any in TrueType, since TT fonts are shapes and not paths.
In fact, these are SHX fonts that you need. Yes, like the ones in AutoCAD.
Here's a link to the author of a pack of such fonts, at Lightburn:
Edit: In order for them to be readable by SolidWorks, they must be converted to DXF. From AutoCAD I guess, or via LightBurn.
I'm coming back to you to let you know what I finally found by asking chat gps.
Hershey Fonts
StickFont or Simplex
CamBam Stick Fonts
work as sought for laser engraving.
Kind regards