Text font not found in my document configuration


I have a font problem in Solidworks. I would like to configure my document with a particular font but I can't find it in the drop-down menu.

On the other hand, in the base of my plans that I created about 2 years ago, notes are written with this font and it is not a problem. But if I write a new note, the font no longer appears.

I have been checked in my font file and the police are there.

What could I do to make the menu no longer display this font? I put a few screens if it can help.

Thank you in advance for your help because I don't understand anything anymore!


Weird that, normally once the font is added to Windows (C:\Windows\Fonts), it is taken over by SolidWorks...

yes it's quite weird. I found a solution by modifying the style of the arial font in the properties of my document but the name of the font that appears is "arial" and not "@Arial Unicode MS" on the other hand the font seems to be the same...

So I'll settle for that for the moment it will be fine!!