Font full letters, same width



I'm looking for a font where all the letters would be of the same width.

I saw that Courier or Consolas was one of them, except that when I sketch in DraftSight or SolidWorks, the width is not the same ! => Example in the attached image.

Anyone know a font where each of the letters is really the same width ?

Please attach a DXF or SolidWorks (2014 or lower) file.


See this link

Fixed width font



See this link

It is specified that it was created especially for w7 

What to see



I can confirm that the fonts (True Type) "Courrier New" and "Lucida Console" are fonts with a constant pitch (fixed width). There is also "Monotxt" but it is not very pretty.

Be careful, in your example, you rate the length of the letters and not the pitch!



I want the width of the letters to be the same and not the pitch!

After checking, even fixed-width fonts have deviations (minimal crimps) if the letters are measured independently of each other!

The most consistent font in terms of character length that I tested would be "DejaVu Sans Mono". However, if you need to distribute your document, remember to attach the font file with it because it is not installed as standard on all computers (depends on the software installed).

Hoping to have helped you ;o)


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Well, the only font I found is a square font, like FORCED SQUARE, but again, there are small differences between some letters...