Possible or not!


In pj my room.

I got this file from my client.

inside we have extrusions and outside no (rectangular simplified shape). When we switch to wireframe we see the outside with various extrusions.

Do you have a trick to recover these shapes?

Thanks in advance 


Hello, be careful, you can't open the file with Solid 2015 Sp5.

Kind regards

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I'm on the 2017 version

Kind regards 

Thank you for the clarification;) but suddenly I can't do anything, sorry...

Kind regards

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Hi ad693

I just opened your file

there is nothing outside  even wired for me except the refs of the room

made under SW 2017

one side was screwed up but it was repaired

@+ ;-)

Here's what's under the faces


it's because the room is empty insulation by air gap

you have an outer wall with a thickness

an inner wall with its thickness

between the 2 empty 

Make a section of your piece to understand

@+ ;-)