Getting Started with a 2D CAD Program

No doubt there are already quite a few explanations everywhere, but too much does not allow us to choose anymore.

I never worked, 20-30 years ago, with a CAD program for architectural plans.

Today, I need to draw projects again, so I would like to try my hand at the Draftsight program. (I also worked a few hours with Solid Edge 2D)

This seems easy enough, except perhaps for the choice of hatching, which is quite different in the 1:1 scale worksheet than in the scales for paper outputs.

But I'm afraid of getting confused quickly with the line thicknesses, the adjustment of the slaps, ... In short, to start in a clumsy way .


where could I find a guide "to get started with the drawing of an architectural project in 2D CAD"


Thanks in advance


Hi @ bernard


The ref in this matter the Eyrolles bookshop


You will find all the guides you want


@+ ;-)




2 links: this is a small reminder pad for functions.,33948.html: it's a paid video tutorial, of course, but it includes an arch plan from A to Z.

I think that by following it to the letter, it can be extremely interesting because it summarizes all the "key" functions in this field.

There is a slightly cheaper version but without the basics:,33957.html


In any case, good luck, you just have to follow THE method and repeat it:)

Hello GT22, thank you for your answer.

But I see that you offer me documents related to industrial design in general, or to the design of the building. On that side, I'm quite served. I worked for nearly 20 years as an architect, drawing plans, facades, technical details, .... on paper, with my little rotrings


What questions me more with a CAD program is to start well with the layers, to handle the line colors of the sheets rather than the line thicknesses, to solve the hatching problems, ... and probably many other things that you probably need to know better when you start rather than having to rework everything when a project is already well advanced.


Thanks again

Hi all


In fact you need a basic tutorial on how to use layers, strokes and other features of a software, knowing that on this point all software is equal (or is close).


In this case, I advise you to watch some video tutorials, and skip if this is something you already master, example of research:


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Or here's a quick tutorial (which is not on the same subject, I concede) that seems to answer your question about layers and line weights, i.e. how to manage the basic tools:

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here are tutorials for Draftsight in addition to Lucas' answer


@+ ;-)

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Thank you all,


I watch, read and try it all



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