For the pleasure of those who haven't found it: Charlie Hebdo

Here is a document for the cartoonists that you are.

We are all CHARLIE

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The intention is good but the principle leaves something to be desired

I bought the N°1778 at the newsstand, I didn't get it on Wednesday because it was out of stock but the tobacconist was making reservations and I went to pick it up on Friday morning.

With a minimum of effort you can have it.

I'm Charlie too

I got my number!!! All you have to do is get up early, or for others, order it online!! =)


Thank you anyway lavalentinoou.


One thing shocks me, it's those who sell the 1177 at exorbitant prices!!

As it is no longer sold and it will not harm the newspaper.

Here is this coveted copy in pdf. =)


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Thank you for sharing @lavalentinou!

@Bart, I agree, these resales are absolutely scandalous!

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