Hello everyone, I want to do a simulation on a tank support with the solidworks Xpress simulation, except that when I get to the stage of running the simulation, it tells me that it "the mesh has failed", have you ever encountered this problem and do you have a solution to fix it? Thank you in advance for your help.
Hello to you,
I'm not an expert with simulation, but it may come from the finesse of your mesh.
Make a coarser mesh, this will facilitate the calculation and the speed of execution.
You can always refine it if you find the results too coarse.
Hello to you but I've already done this step and no differences
Networking is always the tricky point, even more so with Express.
I was given the following trick: put the largest size of mesh equal to a third of the smallest thickness.
Possibly can you send us the part?
Hello, I think Xpress, only supports monocorp volume parts. No assembly, no multibody, no hull, no welded construction... All this is done well, on Simulation, but on Xpress I have a doubt...
For mesh failure there are two possibilities:
- either the mesh is too "fine", we exceed the machine's capacity in calculation and/or memory
- either the mesh is too "coarse" = the mesh size is larger than the smallest thicknesses of your part.
Thank you for all your answers but despite your few solutions it still doesn't work thank you for your help