Why when I create a part and incorporate it into my library, it doesn't take the tapping function?

There you go, I'm  creating my library and I'm using the Tapping function, by creating it I select my part that I'm creating either a boss and the tapped hole.

It displays both in the creation tree that I selected, but when testing my library the holes don't appear!

A view of the Creation Tree would help.

On library functions (and their sketch) a small L appears on the function icon.

If the function does not have its L displayed on it, it means that the function is not part of the library function.

NB: Depending on the versions of Solidworks, you can't control everything on the tapping function (in V2014 for example you can't control the tapping depth. this bug has been solved normally on the latest versions)

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Could you make us a screen print and/or mail us your piece so that we can take a look?

Thank you everyone for answering me, L was displayed but I had selected my hook face incorrectly.

Thank you