Prefix Unfolded State

Hello colleagues,

It may seem silly; But I've been looking for a few minutes how to remove in the options or settings prefixes when saving a sheet metal part in DXF or DWG.

Thanks in advance


Now, I don't see it at all. I don't have a prefix when I save in dxf and I can't find the possibility to add one automatically.

You don't go through a macro?

Edit: As much for me, I have the prefix "unfolded state" when saving in dxf.

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No, I don't use a macro, when I create a sheet metal part and save it under dxf for the transfer of flat files to the programming software I always have a prefix.


Same thing on my workstation (Unfolded state - XXXXXX)

And no visible or accessible setting for this parameter.

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Same for me, and in my opinion it's a "factory" setting that can't be changed (see HERE).

Kind regards