Display problem projected curves

Hi all

As the title indicates, I have a problem displaying projected curves... it may be all stupid, but I don't find it ... the curve is present when I pass my mouse over it, but invisible ... so this is my first curve, it's okay ... but if I have to look for each curve as I progress... It's going to get complicated... ;) Does anyone have an idea?

Thank you. Cdt.


See this tutorial that suits your needs




Hello Gt 22, 

Thank you for your answer, but I just got the full video, I still learned 2 or 3 tricks, but it doesn't answer my question in the end ... :/

I've already created projected curves, even make an Audi A5 a long time ago, the my problem is simply that my curve doesn't appear, I'm forced to hover my mouse like on the attached mnt file, to find it ...



Good.... I just tested on a new part file and I don't have this problem .... :/

I'm going to recreate my file to see...

Thank you.


Hello Fab camp,

Right-clicking on the sketch and then clicking on the eye icon (Show) will keep the sketch visible in gray in the viewport.

Edit: Oops! The question is about the curve, not the sketch. The color of the "curve" icon seems to indicate that it is indeed "shown" so this is probably not the solution...

Kind regards


Have you checked that the curves are displayed by default?

View image






@sylk, in fact it is not the sketch that I am looking for but the curve.

@acombier, in my first message, I put an attached file showing that yes the display of curves is activated, in another message, I also attach the curve that shows but only when I manage to find it by hovering my mouse over it.

As I said later, I tested by creating a new empty file, it works, at least for the test I manage to display one.

I haven't had time yet, spent on something else, but I'm going to test by starting my file again, repositioning my blueprints... etc.

I just hope that in the middle of the work I don't have the same problem...

I'll keep you posted.

Well listen, it works... half.... a bug in the SP2? A display bug? I even have a good config and in quadro P2000 with up-to-date drivers .... maybe to be traced back to DASSAUT ... In fact when I hide my sketches on which I have my blueprints, miraculously my projected curve appears.




With a visible view it goes ... beyond that, my curve disappears again...


Good.... Well, I found a solution that at least for the moment allows me to see my curve,

(I had noticed compared to my previous answer that if I rotated my view, I lost the curve ....)

There is a kind of conflict with the backgrounds, you notice that my curve only appears on the areas of the blueprints that I made transparent on the rim and the tire from the side view it disappears.... It's always like that... If it can help someone who would have the same problem ...

@Gt22, even if your solution didn't help solve this problem, your video brought me 2 or 3 tips for the ;) surface.

Thank you for your help anyway.

