Drilling assistant problem: hole that reverses


I have a problem with the drilling wizard (SW 2019): when I use it to make a countersunk hole for example, and I select the face on which the hole should be, the wizard "reverses" the geometry of the hole and therefore places it outside the desired face:

Can someone please help me?

Thank you.

Hello nicolas.evrard

From the "Type" tab: in "end condition", clicking on the button with the 2 arrows should reverse the drilling direction .

Kind regards


Thank you! It works.

Before the update I didn't have this problem and I didn't think to look at this option as a result.

Thanks for the help.

Have a nice day.

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@ Nicolas

I don't think the answer quoted is relevant as a best answer 


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At your service.

Simply, you have checked off your answer as a solution instead of the one that really gives it;) The best way to thank me is to check off the correct answer. Thank you.

Kind regards

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It's fixed.

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