Problem with appearances on solidworks 2016


I'm using SolidWorks 2016 and I'm having this problem that occurs in a particular assembly. 

Two sub-assemblies lose all appearance and it is replaced by black and grey grid.

Anyone have any idea where the problem came from?

Thank you!



The appearance you applied in the assembly or in the room? For Solidworks 2016 are you in SP4 because it has been available for a short time and it fixes some bugs... Have you also edited the appearance to see if you can play with the scale, that has happened to me too....

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Maybe we need to update Solidworks.

Is this an imported assembly? maybe the texture just doesn't exist in your database.

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I think the textures are not in the database (at least, SW can't find the right way to access them).

This is due to a change in version, perhaps?

The access folder is no longer the same.


Hi, Thank you for your answers, 

I found the origin of the problem, there was a weird appearance that I had never seen before that got into the subassemblies, weird!


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To fix the problem I simply removed these appearances **


Sometimes, you have to know how to step back to jump better;)

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