Problem with autocad presentation tab


Is there a way to prevent the presentation tabs which have an unfortunate tendency to move all the time, when you are on the presentation tab 1 that you go to the presentation tab 2 for example the presentation tab 1 moves to the last position, behind presentation 10 for example. I'm on AUTODAD 2015. I'm attaching an image to show which tabs I'm talking about.

Thank you in advance.




In general it is due to a long click, you have to check in the Windows settings of the mouse if the click lock is activated, you have to uncheck it. And maybe it's due to the speed of the double-click too...


Hello Christian,

I haven't noticed this behavior on my side except by dragging and dropping with the mouse!

The PL track seems plausible to me, especially if you work on a laptop with the TouchPad.



I had the same problem on 2015 and the problem is still there on the 2016 version, it's really annoying...

The worst thing is that it's really random and when I try to reproduce the pb I can't do it..!



thank you all again a problem without a solution thank you autocad...

I'm having the same problem!! it's nonsense!

I'm a little late but I still have an idea:

Won't there be an option that causes tabs to be automatically sorted by name?