Problem with machining moving from the original



I have a problem with holes or machining that change position from the original (they should not change orientation and are outside the part).


Let me explain, on a part, I have machining or drilling that tilts from right to left in relation to the XY axis.


This problem is recurrent because I have to reposition them in 80% of cases.


I've already tried to change the coordinates but nothing helps.


See screenshot


Kind regards




Indeed it's weird...

Do you have the option to lock the dimensions on Inventor?

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Look at this link there is a tool that allows you to block all the freedoms in an assembly

@+ ;-)



Wouldn't it be external references that make the holes move?

The holes would be dimensioned in an assembly, and when the assembly is moved, the holes follow?


To convert to internal references:



and thank you for your help.


In fact these holes move because they are linked to excel sheets and therefore it varies in their positioning but should not go from right to left from their origin.


All my machining or drilling is linked to excel sheets and I sometimes have the same problem on machining.


Kind regards

To be a little more precise, here is a view taken at the moment of a machining.


ok your machining is linked via excel sheets

but in theory the origin  X=0; Y=0; Z=0

must always be the same

which moreover is if you create on the front or back of the plan the dimensions X +25 can become X -25 ditto for Y and Z

you need I think you always have the same plan ref that your origin is blocked

and that you rate your part via this origin or constrain it via this origin

@+ ;-)

Continuation of this morning,


Always the same part and the same machining or this time only the Y-axis went to the wrong side.


This problem is random, sometimes it goes well, sometimes the two axes change sides and sometimes like this time if only one axis has gone to the wrong side.


If someone had a solution to our problem (I put it to our problem because my colleague also has the same problem although our parts are not built in the same way).


Kind regards
