EPDM connection problem


Since about 10 am - 10:30 am this morning, no one can access the EPDM, the error message is as follows:

"Failed to license SOLIDWORKS PDM Professional. The license server computer is down or unresponsive." 

We restarted our PCs and the server, nothing helped, do you have any solutions?

Thank you:)





Hello, look at Solidworks Network License Manager, at least you will see which computers have the licenses. The license manager may crash and licenses may not be released when computers are shut down.



Apparently the problem comes from the windows firewall.

Which port(s) should be left open?

It's a possibility, unfortunately I can't answer you, each computer has its ports and I can't tell you which ones are with us, I don't have access to them.



See pages 74 and following on the document https://files.solidworks.com/Supportfiles/PDMWorks_Ent_Installation/2017/French/Installation%20Guide.pdf

Kind regards

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