Problem sldw pdm connection

Hi all

I want to deploy the solidworks premium pdm (not EPDM) in my company. 

In a 1st time I want to get my hands on it locally, create the strategies of use, etc...  before launching it on the network and therefore making it available to friends.

I installed all the administrative and professional client components. On the other hand, I can't connect to the archive server. My firewall is disabled (I also tried to activate it with the tcp/udp 3030 open), no way. The info service doesn't see a problem, so I'm all alone...

Has anyone ever had this problem?

Thank you



Are you sure that the service is well launched on the PC55-EMI?

Is the port and the name of the machine good?

Do you have the IP address of PC55-EMI ? Can you ping  ?

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Yes, the service is running. 

Yes for the name because it's my local post for now, I even tried the full domain address ditto. For the port I opened it in the firewall and even disconnected the network to avoid any interference from the proxy and network firewall which should not be necessary.

For the ip address no subscription because I am local.

Thank you


So try with localhost rather than PC55-EMI!

And for the record, it seems to me that PDM premium is the new name of EPDM, right?

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Already tried...

Did you try from another PC?

This will be the next step, but I need to start the installation on another premium version. There are 2 of us to have him but I wait for him to finish what he has to do before blocking his station.

I have the solidworks premium version so with pdm professional. It's more just like that. With Solidworks Pro you have the standard PDM version.


Attention SolidWorks Pro and Premium integrate PDM STandard which will definitely replace WorkGroup PDM in SW 2018.

Pdm Professional, formerly EPDM, is a license to be purchased as an add-on.



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It's complicated!!!


However I have the professional of pdm with my premium of solidworks (see pj). I had the choice of standard pdm because integrated into sldw pro.



If you have PDM PRofessionel, it means that your company has bought it, because otherwise with SolidWorks Pro and Premium you are "only" entitled to PDM STANDARD.



Re re,

Otherwise to answer the initial question, did you strictly follow the installation manual?



I think I've found it!

It seems that my SQL server version is not good (32 instead of 64bit). I installed a new version and the whole thing seems to communicate!

Thank you all for your help!

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