Problem quotation seen from another position

My problem is this,

For some time now, I have been making plans with views from another position. Only I can't attach one side between the edges of the main view and that of the view from another position.

I know it's possible because solidworks puts it in its guide, but at home it doesn't work. Maybe an option to check off or something else, now I'm drying.

Thank you in advance if you have a tip for me.


Could you put a screen print so that we can better understand?

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I think that's what you're looking for; see PJ. This is by way of example; You will have to put your piece with the side you want to dimension in front view and then create your view as described.


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Which version of SolidWorks and Windows?


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@AC Cobra: That's not it. The "other position" views are only created in assembly mode and allow to represent on the same view 2 (or more) positions of a mechanism (such as cylinder in/out).

I don't have an answer to the basic question, except that sometimes I succeed, other times I don't. I think there is a problem with SW: it happened to me that I was able to put the dimensions on a plan and not on its little brother (same SW version, 2 sub-assemblies of the same machine).


That's exactly it!

I have an assembly with a closed/open cylinder and I have to dimension the stroke of the cylinder on my plan. 

I'm on solidworks 2016 and windows 8

For your information I did a test on solidworks 2012 and it works.

Only all my studies are done in 2016 and I don't understand why it doesn't work anymore.

Does anyone have a tip?

Thank you


I don't know if it's the right and only method but you should be able to put a sketch line between the desired elements in the different views, put the constraints that are fine and then dimension this line (in controlled dimension of course).

Kind regards