Display issue since installing DraftSight 2015


I take the liberty of joining you because I am encountering some difficulties, I am not a draftsman by trade but I am currently using DraftSight a lot for the realization of project plans in DWG format.

My DraftSight installation bugged when saving a file and then it was impossible for me to open any file, so I decided to completely reinstall DraftSight.

So I installed the version available on their site currently which is the 2015 version, but since then all the hatching of my blocks are in the foreground and therefore hide the different tracers that are on top. It seems to be that, I'm not sure because if I edit a block and go to the background the hatching the hatching reappears but when I close the editing of the block and click on save changes, then the hatching goes back to the foreground, so it's impossible to see the tracers...

I didn't have this problem with the previous version but I don't remember which version it installed at the beginning of December last year.

Thank you in advance for your help.

Just one last thing when I print my plan, no problem, the hatching (and fills) appear well in the background.




Are the graphics card drivers up to date? Otherwise reinstall the V1R4 version, I have it if needed.
Or the V1R5 version



Thank you for looking into my problem.


I am eventually a taker of this version, I checked and the drivers of my CG are up to date.


Thank you in advance.

Kind regards
