Appearance Problem


Problem with the appearance of the part. The material chosen 5 I also tried color) does not apply to the whole piece which is nevertheless in one piece.

What for?

Thank you


Can you put us a screen print with the creation tree as well as the piece.

Oops... Forgot the photo.

For the creation tree, too long and complicated.

I chose CA plastic as my material.


To apply the appearance you have to click on the name of the room at the top and apply it or left-click on the 1st function and CTRL and on the last one to select everything and then apply the appearance.


I tried the 2 solutions. It does the same to me on several pieces.

I have to select the forgotten faces and redo the appearance.



What version are you on and can you share a tested file to see?

This is only done on complex parts. And I can't put them here.

I'm on 2014 Premium


Have you put appearances on the faces?

It is the face level that drives appearances.

via the appearance history where you can see the applied appearances.

Otherwise, to reset you can right-click on the volume of the room and remove all appearances. You will then be able to restore an appearance to the volume level.




Sending an image of the applied appearances might help.

To solve your problem.



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I can't put this file here for everyone to see.

Thank you all for your very precious help.


View in the feature manager 

how many bodies and surfaces

if X surfaces it is necessary to sew the surfaces to obtain a single surface

for the same bodies, you only need one and only one body

then you just have to manage the appearance on the surface

In theory, the whole part will be taken into account


I tried to sew the surfaces. There are a large number of them.

The result is not great...
