Assembly Problem

What's dangerous is not having backups...

To save virtual assemblies. Just right-click and select: save as external components.

Normally a message encourages you to do it if you create subsets and save your "master" assembly.

It's really weird, I've never seen messages telling me about virtual components or encouraging me to save them...

Otherwise, I did the task of saving all my virtual components, I hope I won't have other identical problems...


All I have to do is recreate my original assemblies by taking each piece one by one... Yay:p

Check in the options if you haven't skipped the dialog box to save the virtual components.

This is the last topic in Tool/Options


I always got a message at check-in telling me that the assembly contains virtual components and SW asks me what I want to do with them.


Otherwise, sorry but you'll have to redo your assemblies.


PS: Sorry for the . SAT, I looked badly (I was hungry)



No worries for the . SAT, hunger always wins over work;)

Well, I think I'll have to do all the work again... Harf, it's a real shame, I really had other things to do:(


Thank you for your answers, I'll be super careful during my next recordings!!

As indicated @Pascal, there is normally a message (see image, top) and as also indicates @Pascal it is probably that it is no longer displayed on your computer (see image below). Check this option again and it will reappear.


If you need to retrieve a backup and everything is virtual, you need to retrieve the backup of the head assembly.
