Color problem

When I put color on a piece, save it and close it when I reopen it, the color becomes transparent. How can I fix this?

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Hello Hugo_Godineau,
Welcome to the community site, there will always be someone to answer you.
So what is your SW version?
Take a screenshot for us to better clarify the subject.
So let's look forward to it, @+.

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The version is SolidWorks 2023 and here is a screenshot.

Thank you.


Hmmm... It smells strongly of the graphics card at the end of its life (or not up to date).
Could you please send us the diagnostic report of SolidworksRX?
or, at the very least, the name and type of your graphics card and that of your motherboard (specifying whether it is a laptop or a desktop computer).

Kind regards.


it's a laptop recommended by visiativ

I complete @Maclane and confirm the probable bad driver for the graphics card (since PC recommended by Visiativ, I exclude the PC at the end of the road - unless recommended for SW2011!)
For Solidworks RX the part that interests us is the Diagnostic part see tutorial attached:


It's okay the solution is to set in fact my graphics card was not taken into account with my connection. Thank you all for your advice.

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Please close the topic, selecting the best answer.
The one of @Maclane 1st to have gone to the graphics card problem, seems quite appropriate to me!


How do I do it?