Image distortion problem in CATIA on windows 7


I have a problem with image distortion in cATIA v5r21 under windows 7. 
In fact, this can be seen very clearly in a sketch that has a grid. I have the heights of the grid squares that are smaller than the widths of the grid squares. In other words, I no longer have squares in my grid but rectangles. So if I sketch a square, well I see a rectangle. It's not the best when you use CATIA to do geometry...

However, it seems to me that I have not touched anything in the options on this subject. On the other hand, on this pc (yet powerful) and with this W7, it caused this problem from the beginning.

Do you have any idea what I can do (either in the screen resolution properties or in the CATIA options) to fix this problem?

Thank you in advance for your help.


Maybe it's just a visual (graphic) problem because if you are ribbing so that you have a square, is that the case? See on the resolution side or graphics card update. Try a software repair


Do you see my avatar/this square or rectangle image?

Good evening

At home everything is square.

It's also very square.

So if I understand correctly, it doesn't come from windows

there is a setting in cATiA.

Do you have any ideas?

Thanks in advance

Could you post a screenshot of your gridlines? (I don't know CATIA but this might provide a clue)

Have you updated anything? Try to see if you have a restore point before the problem is discovered.

Never heard this type of problem on catia 

the only thing possible in my opinion

is that the grid is not

on the same level as the screen view



Unless you see Change Screen Settings


Obviously this problem is known:

The solution given is this:
Creates two environment variables (at the windows level, it's preferable: My Computer/Properties/Advanced/Env Variables...) named:
CATWidthMMOfScreen with the width in mm of your useful screen
CATHeightMMOfScreen with the height in mm of your useful screen

I had a hard time finding this workstation because now it's called a computer.

Then, these variables can be defined either in user variables or in system variables.

Where is it better to create these variables in users or in a system?

Thank you in advance for your help.

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Hello bendesarts

First of all, thank you for the feedback and the tip.

If there is only one user account on the machine using CATIA, in the user variables should be sufficient, but the remark "at the windows level" probably means "in the system variables", then it's up to you. Nothing prevents you from testing both and seeing the effects.

Kind regards

I'm moving forward with my concern for a distorted screen.
I used the trick and the image is much less distorted.
But it's not perfect yet.
I think I know why: I have to specify: the width and height of my useful screen.
For the moment, I have made a measurement of my screen with the ruler ...
But, you have to give the right dimensions of the useful screen so that there is no distortion. This may have something to do with the resolutions found in the display properties.
Would you know for a given screen size (for example 24 inches) and for a given resolution (1600x1200 for example) how to know the useful size of your screen ?

Thank you in advance for your ideas.