View projection problem



I'm working on a plan of a classic sheet metal part.


Usually everything is fine, but here, I noticed that my piece was projected in the wrong direction, so it scares me to think that Sw doesn't always project in the right direction....


It's the first time this has happened to me in 2 years. Any advice to give me?


I'm attaching a piece of the mep that I modified a little to see the problem!


I also specify that my Sw settings are ok, I am in European projection and not American.




Are you in European projection and not in the US?

It's in the properties of the sheet (right-click on the tab): Projection type.

More info:


Edit: and if you reinsert the same view, the same problem occurs?

You didn't put the bottom view on top? :-p

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"I also specify that my Sw settings are ok, I am in European projection and not American."


Precision: with a cut it works, but not with a view...


The cut is in the right direction, but the view is not.


At the time for me, I answered too quickly!


You can try to go to: Options-> Document Properties->View Labels tab-> Auxiliary

In Basic Auxiliary Views Standard you select ISO

OR in View labels if the general design standard is in ISO.

That's what is parameterized.


I've never had this problem before. Nor afterwards for that matter, I drew all day, I didn't have any problems.


But the piece I made this morning, so it's coming out of the workshop upside down, and I can't make my plan right side up..... Crazy story:) But I remain zen...................................


With this image, we can see the problem.


It's obvious!


PLease! Help me!!!! =)


Hi @ Bart 

Have you tried to save and close your room and SW 

and reopening sometimes is enough

I know that my answer is not logical 

but we also know that sometimes SW does not behave with great rigor



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So there Gt, hats off! :p


I've been looking since this morning, and in fact I just had to redo my mep instead of taking the old one for everything to work


=) You win :p Thank you!!!


@ Bart

There is no reason 

It is often the answer to some of the problems of the patient. e

who is ruining the life of this... n  log

delighted to have solved your problem which was not really a problem

@+ ;-))

Well I'll arrive after the battle, but wasn't it in the settings of the sheet? (right-click on the sheet and property)

You can have the european projections in the general options sw. But on the settings of the sheet, you can still switch to us projection.

otherwise it may have been an elf in the resort!

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