Airbox simulation problem


I am currently working on the design of a buggy airbox for autocross.

The problem is that when I simulate the flow it's not symmetrical  so with that my assembly has it perfectly. 

I didn't speed up the simulation either.

Photo of the simulation:

I don't understand where my mistake comes from and that's why I would need your help!



This is a problem on Flow Simulation and unfortunately there are few regular specialists to intervene on Flow on this forum.

Have you had any training because flow is not as easy to use as that?

Kind regards

PS: we don't see the output of the flow on your image which is understandable because on the ASM there are corks at the bottom of the "ham" shape so the particles cannot come out. From what I understand of flow, it doesn't seem to me to be used to fill a closed container.

What is the purpose of the study????

@Tous see the image to understand



The purpose of the study is to compare the performance of this airbox designed for a 3-cylinder MT 09 engine to an existing ER-6 airbox (2 cylinder).

I didn't take any training on flowsimulation, I learned by myself. And for the plug problems they are generated by Solidworks for the simulation because you need a closed solid for a simulation so in my opinion it is not a problem for me.

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