Screen size issue on the site

after a view on the MYcad link of .pl

I have a problem with screen size and text size, a magnifying glass is necessary 

why please thank you



Are you on Chrome? Do you know that you can reset the zoom in the address bar on the right by clicking on the magnifying glass?

Yes I know thank you @ .pl

but I ask the why and how does this buttocks

that the size is changing if you take a look at the json file via MyCAD free

in this case your link

This had never happened to me before!!

That is my question

Thank you

@+............... and always................ Cap....................... Red

And do you also have problems on the top bar with the tab written in white on a white background?

not on chrome it's me

but the contract is not great for me

it's super bland.............................................. Palo what................

and I don't understand why we don't use the whole page


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yet I don't have the impression that the content of myCAD has changed that much

a little bit anyway go take a look


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yes everything before accessing the document to change but the banner where you view seems to be the same

I close the subject