Problem with offset decals of the selection frame

Hello, I have been experiencing a problem for a week with the decals I put on my parts.
When I opened my room, my layer " disappeared " and when I played with the selection window, I noticed that it was no longer to scale (normally corresponding to the bounding box) but that it was also completely offset.
I am attaching an image that will be more telling

Thank you in advance.

I answer myself, it can be useful to someone else.
The problem came from the update of my graphics card and my version of solidworks.
The patch has been installed and everything is back to normal.

Hello @dao

Happy to have seen you back with us after Ten Years of Absence!

We thought you had forgotten us :disappointed_relieved:

You should come and see us more often because we are convinced that you could bring knowledge to the community.

See you soon! :wink:

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