Problem of room/plan scale

Hi all


I want to print a pdf of a lexan in 1:1 scale to cut it out and see how it looks on the product I need to apply it to.

So I create a .part file of the desired form, I make a .drw with the information to be added on the lexan (text + logo) and I print it in 1:1 scale.

Result: I have a Y dimension that is at the right scale but an X dimension that is not at all. What for?

Y = 19mm on plan -> Y = 19mm on printed pdf

X = 85.5mm on plan -> X = 83mm on printed pdf

So I don't understand why I don't have the same X and Y dimension after printing my Lexan in 1:1 scale...

Any ideas?

In the print options, have you checked fit to sheet??? It could come from there....



On Solidworks:

When you do print. A page opens.
Clicked on the "layout" tab.
Then, click on "to scale".


On Adobe PDF:

Click on "Actual Size"

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