Plan template save issue


In order to keep the same positions of view, details... between several planes,
I want to save a plan template.

So I make my "mother" plan then I do a "Save-as", I select the file extension ".drwdot", rename my file...
And an error message appears. (cf PC)

Have you ever encountered this problem?
Where can this come from? I don't think I have a reference between documents...

Have a nice day
Séb. J


See this link among others




Still, there seems to be a connection between your drawing model and something else.

You should look at the references of the file in question. in the File menu.


Thank you for your feedback,
What should alert me in the file references?

I have made plan models previously with other 3D files
No worries, I proceeded in the same way for this one...

I really don't understand


Hello, answer a little late but it can be useful for others.

For your problem, there should not be a reference plan in the view palette.

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