I received a WWTP from an assembly from a customer X in which one of the parts (an arm) is duplicated in different sub-assemblies (see photo 1 in which the product looks like an "octopus". ==> In blue the arm in question
When opening a WWTP of another customer Y, the arm in question appears even though it has nothing to do with this new project (see photo 2, the arm is crosswise)
If you have a 2CV with a part called steering wheel.
And then you open a Mercedes with another piece called flying. (same file name but different 3D)
Solidworks was unable to do so and automatically replaced the steering wheel of the Mercedes with that of the 2CV already open. (Unable to open 2 files with the same name but different)
Open the steps independently and possibly via Pack and go you add a suffix or prefix specific to your case to no longer encounter the problem.
For the Pack and go you must of course break the link with the step (3D interconnect)
That is the problem. It's like SW importing an extra part by default when opening a new step.
I will take an example to illustrate:
Let's say a customer-designed flower tree with a set number of branches
I open the STEP of this tree and there are more branches than expected (while by opening the STEP under a viewer such as Edrawing no problem)
I then open for example the STEP of a car and well in the middle of this car I have a branch that appears (it should not be there since the 2 projects have nothing in common, nor the names of parts in common)
I finally open for example the WWTP of a boat and well in the middle I have a branch that appears (it shouldn't be there since the 3 projects have nothing in common or the names of parts in common)
It is this same branch that emerged from the first WWTP
And each time a step is opened, it appears at the beginning of the tree!!!
Look in your model assembly file if it doesn't contain your arm instead of being empty.
Otherwise, instead of opening an empty assembly, it opens an assembly file with the tonearm and then imports the step data, which would explain the presence of your tonearm in each assembly imported as a step.
@Sylk For the opening of the room between 2 STEP no worries for her
On the other hand, I opened 2 WWTP totally different from those mentioned yesterday (a mold and then an indexing finger taken from an industrial mechanics website)
For the 2 I notice that the "parasitic" arm that appears in each STEP, always appears at the beginning of the tree but also the STEP is set to ".asmdot"
So this would mean a bad format by default that also recovers the default tonearm ????