Function Reversal Problem

Hello, a nice bone to resume after the holidays:

With SW2015, I have a problem with this part driven by assembly.

The function that makes the keyway is reversed when the dimension is changed from 801 to 802.

QWhat does anyone have an idea of the cause and possibly the solution?

At home there is no problem... Are you up to date with the Sp5 for 2015 and before and Sp4 for 2016???

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If you take line 3 of sketch 1 as a 2nd reference  in order to create plan 2, the problem disappears. (See slide)

You should hang on the sketches and not on the faces so as not to have an unstable construction.


I tried with a machine in SP5, it doesn't change anything (mine is in SP3 and doesn't want to pass SP5).

On the other hand, the method of defining the sketch plan does indeed come into play. We won't look for why...