Problem Equation


I'll tell you my problem, I have a tube (inclined in relation to the ground) with inlet and outlet vents perpendicular to the ground, I'd like to make sure that when I change the inclination of the tube the length of the vents changes while remaining perpendicular to the ground. For example, if the tube is tilted by 15 degrees and I change it to 20 degrees I would like the length of the vents to change accordingly (depending on what I would have defined).

I understand that you have to use the Equation tool but I have no idea how it works. If anyone has any explanation or even any solution, I'm all for it!   

(EDIT) I didn't find a solution in the other posts, or I didn't understand it well.

Thanks in advance!


Which version are you in, post your file so that we can see and make you a tutorial.

So basically, I would like that, when the angle of the tube (blue arrow) changes, the length of the inlet (red arrow) changes accordingly, i.e. it should lengthen or shorten depending on the angle of the tube. Tell me if I'm not clear.

I'm on SW 2018. 


(nothing to see) I'm doing the SW tutorial on equations and when I get to the step to delete a function, SW tells me that my syntax is not correct. If you could enlighten me because I don't understand why at all.


Reread your equations carefully, you have to put IIF not IF for the last question


I do exactly how in the tutorial, then when we do = > Function we can directly select =if() 


I confirm what sbadenis said, you have to put iif and not if in your equation, and by the way it's better to get into the habit of putting variable names without special characters (accented , spaces , / , : : , , ; , etc ...).

By the way, when we select if() in the functions, it turns into IIF() automatically when the equation is validated...

Kind regards

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For your first question, I think it is not necessary to go through the equations. The geometry construction alone is sufficient using the sketch constraints. This is the main feature of CAD! I gave you an example (SW2016) to illustrate my point.

Kind regards


Ah! as much for me then, not having managed to validate the function I didn't know that it turned into an IFF

On the other hand, a piece of advice, post one question per topic because otherwise the community will not know what to answer and the search for a question already asked always concerns the first one.


Indeed, that's exactly what I would like to do, working on catiaV5 for my studies I didn't know that you could do that on SW.

The last time I touched SW was in Bac Pro and the use of the software was very limited. I'll look into it! I'm not closing the subject yet just in case but I think you solved my problem.

If among the answers given there is one that has solved your problem, remember to define it as the best answer in order to close the question and indicate it in case another person has the same problem. This is the principle of this forum. Thank you