Equation problem

Hi all

Since I changed computers and reinstalled SW 2015, I have problems with the configurations of the parts that integrate equations: If one of the dimensions depends on another (for example diameter = radius(value entered in the part family) x 2) the calculation is not done. If the file was saved with radius 800, the drawing doesn't update when I change the radius to 700. The part does not move shape and errors are formed in the assemblies.

The problem is that the file works on my colleagues' computers. The only solution I have found for the moment is to save the file locally in the folder in which I work and modify the dimensions by doing my calculations and replacing the dimensions with equations by the results directly. I can no longer use the library pieces with equation.

I have one of the files concerned.

Thanks in advance



Have you exported the equations file related to your part?


See attached image

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I hadn't seen the play.

Try to make a good composition to take away to see if there are still any mistakes

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Change of PC then:

Have the SolidWorks settings been retrieved from your old PC and installed on your new PC?

Maybe try installing the settings of a PC of one of your colleagues.

Kind regards


The equations are in the dimensions of the sketch

I can't make any take-home composition because I have the message attached



It seems that you have a problem with the installation. You should make a repair.

To avoid any conflict between part family and equations, I've gotten into the habit of putting all my equations in the part family and hiding the columns I don't need.

Kind regards 

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Hello d.roger,

The settings come from my old PC. I did my experiment with my colleague's settings but the problem is still there.



Bonjout Yves.T,

How do I make a repair?


SolidWorks Installation Problem!!

on my PC, for the example piece, the take-home composition goes well. On the other hand, I don't understand the usefulness of the equation in the sketch?

Kind regards

If you have the CD, insert it and start the installation it will repair automatically.

If the installation media is on a disk (image), mount the image and start the installation.

If he doesn't want to start the installation, go to applications and features, choose SolidWorks and have it modified, he will offer you the repair.

Kind regards.

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Hello, I opened your room and noticed that the unfolded  state was removed!? (greyed out) I activated it and the dimension modification worked!! To be checked before re-installing.

edit: I mean, in a state of recovery...

Kind regards

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Before you go for the total reinstallation... Have you gone to see the reconstruction parameters? It looks like they were automatic and now you have to do them manually


In the Equation window, have you checked the "Auto-Solve Order" box located at the bottom left?


Thank you all for your suggestions, unfortunately nothing works, not even the repair of the software and since we are no longer under maintenance with Axemble, I don't know what else to do. I'm going to continue with system D by saving local copies modified by colleagues...

Have a good day everyone and thank you for your posts


I contacted the assistance to fix the problem.


Thank you all


Has it been possible to solve the problem??? It's so that we have the solution if someone ever encounters this problem too...

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