Hello everyone, I need help to understand the APIs, indeed I created a nice little code but it doesn't want to launch. Here is the error message:
Here is the script:
$function Get-SWFileProperties {
if (-not (Get-Module -ListAvailable -Name ImportExcel)) {
Install-Module -Name ImportExcel -Scope CurrentUser -AllowClobber -Force
$excelFile = Join-Path -Path $directoryPath -ChildPath "SolidWorks_Properties.xlsx"
$SolidWorks = New-Object -ComObject SldWorks.Application
$SolidWorks.Visible = $false
$swDocumentTypes = New-Object -ComObject SolidWorks.Interop.swconst.swDocumentTypes_e
$swOpenDocOptions = New-Object -ComObject SolidWorks.Interop.swconst.swOpenDocOptions_e
$swOpenDocOptions_Silent = $swOpenDocOptions.swOpenDocOptions_Silent
$data = @()
$files = Get-ChildItem -Path $directoryPath -Include *.sldprt, *.slddrw, *.sldasm -Recurse
$totalFiles = $files.Count
$processedFiles = 0
foreach ($file in $files) {
$filePath = $file.FullName
$fileType = $null
switch ($file.Extension.ToLower()) {
".sldprt" { $fileType = $swDocumentTypes.swDocPART }
".sldasm" { $fileType = $swDocumentTypes.swDocASSEMBLY }
".slddrw" { $fileType = $swDocumentTypes.swDocDRAWING }
$doc = $SolidWorks.OpenDoc6($filePath, $fileType, $swOpenDocOptions_Silent, "", [ref] 0, [ref] 0)
if ($doc -ne $null) {
$customPropMgr = $doc.Extension.CustomPropertyManager("")
$properties = @{}
$names = @()
foreach ($name in $names) {
$value = $null
$customPropMgr.Get4($name, $false, [ref]$value, [ref]$null)
$properties[$name] = $value
$properties['FilePath'] = $filePath
$data += New-Object PSObject -Property $properties
Write-Progress -Activity "Processing SolidWorks Files" -Status "$processedFiles out of $totalFiles processed" -PercentComplete (($processedFiles / $totalFiles) * 100)
$data | Export-Excel -Path $excelFile -WorksheetName "Properties" -AutoSize -TableName "SWProperties"
Write-Progress -Activity "Processing SolidWorks Files" -Completed
Write-Host "Processing complete. $processedFiles files processed."
Example of use
Get-SWFileProperties -directoryPath " F:\Machine_3D\BDD "
Here's what he does in detail:
- ImportExcel module check: The script starts by checking if the ImportExcel PowerShell module is available. This module is required to create and manipulate Excel files without the need for Excel installed on the machine. If the module is not found, it attempts to install it. This module is used to export the collected data to an Excel file.
- Preparing the output Excel file: An Excel file path (SolidWorks_Properties.xlsx) is constructed using the folder path provided as a parameter. This file will be used to store the properties extracted from the SolidWorks files.
- SolidWorks Application Initialization: The script creates an instance of the SolidWorks application using COM Automation (Component Object Model). This instance is used to open SolidWorks files and extract their properties. The SolidWorks instance is configured to be non-visible ($SolidWorks.Visible = $false), which allows the script to run in the background without opening the SolidWorks user interface.
- SolidWorks File Browsing: The script searches the specified folder for all files with extensions. sldprt (parts), .slddrw (drawings), and .sldasm (assemblies), including all subfolders (-Recurse option).
- Extract and store properties: For each file found, the script determines its type (part, drawing, or assembly) and uses SolidWorks to open it silently. It then extracts the custom properties from the open file using the CustomPropertyManager. Property names and values are stored in a $data object.
- Exporting the data to Excel: After processing all the files, the collected data is exported to the Excel file prepared in step 2, using the ImportExcel module. Each entry will contain the file's path and its custom properties.
- Cleanup: At the end of the run, the SolidWorks application is closed ($SolidWorks.ExitApp()), and the script displays a message indicating the number of files processed.
Do you have any idea where the problem could come from?