Problem: "animate gathering" window during an exploded view appears off the screen

Hi all

I have a problem with exploded views,

Indeed, when I want to animate the gathering, the window appears off my screen,

I tried everything by playing with my display settings (I'm in dual screen option to extend the displays) I manage to get it back on my screen but only for  this SW session, as soon as I close it and re-open it I have to start this manipulation again which has the inconvenience of making a mess on all the icons on my desktop.

The problem is that as long as we don't close this window opened by animating the gathering we can no longer do anything on SW so I am forced to stop the process without any backup of the work in progress.

If anyone has a solution, 

Thank you


Reading the communication thread

it seems that you created and recorded this animation with your SW

open on your dual screen 

you would have to reopen this animation and reduce the size of the SW page only on a screen 

and make a new registration 

and only then reassemble 

This is my conviction in your pale 
