Graphic problem?

Hello, I have a small display problem on SW 2014.

A very simple thing, before on the graphic area at the top right of the screen, I had a small green checkmark or a red cross to validate a sketch or other ...

without iren changing in the options anywhere, I don't have it anymore ... Does anyone have an idea?

Closes and restarts SW

and the same for the PC

and tell us


Nothing new after restarting pc and SW...


Check in the options that the "Activate confirmation corner" option is checked (you never know)


Hello, and yes I was surprised too, in fact the symbols disappear, but they are still there. If you hover your mouse over it or click there, it works (at least for me).

They tend to disappear when I switch to my other screen with another program.

Where is this otion more exactly?

 it's qd even weird if that's it, that it changes without me touching anything ...

I just saw, I had passed over it...


that's right... the option was unchecked...

Thank you but long live the solidworks bugs and the configs that change themselves ...

In SW2016, by clicking on the D key, you will have these 2 icons at the cursor level.


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