Solidworks icons problem in Windows


Following a bad handling, I no longer have the right icons in Windows 7.

I tested the "open with -> Browse ->.../..../SLDWORKS" but no change. Since this manipulation, with each double-click to open a part, assembly, or drawing, Windows opens solidworks again. It does not open the file in the already open solidworks.

Do you have an idea to solve the problem?


Thank you in advance,

Yours truly.



You must associate the files with Solidworks Launcher and not with Solidworks.exe

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Thank you for your feedback.

File Related to Solidworks Launcher done!

The file opens in a single Solidworks window now, however you have to do "right-click-> Open with ...  

Unable to remember the default program. (The "always use the selected program"  box unchecked and grayed out)

According to other similar topics on google, the problem would come from the registry...

Have a nice day.

Are you an administrator on the machine?
By right-clicking on the file, property/button "edit" to the line "opens with"?