Import problem in Solidworks: IFC files generated by REVIT

Hi all

I have a problem importing IFC files into Solidworks. These IFCs were generated by REVIT and here's what it looks like:

This is not the first time this has happened to me, previously the solution had been to ask to generate a STEP or a SAT from REVIT, but this time, the IFC files are available on a document management site.
I have access to IFC and RVT files. So far I've used a 30-day demo version of REVIT to do my conversions to STEP, but I'm coming to the end.

Has anyone ever encountered the same problem as me? Any idea to solve this? I'm drying...

Thank you!


To illustrate the case with a metal frame:


Your problem should be described more explicitly.
From what I see in your screenshots, it's only the vagaries of the surface conversion to volume...

Kind regards.

Hello, for the problem of the framework it is certainly due to the origin which is too far away. I had this case, I asked the carpenter to position its origin closer to the construction and I was able to have something acceptable. I was unable to edit the origin directly in Solidworks

Thank you for the answers. I rule out the original problem, because even if it is quite far away (a few tens of meters), it works when I export in WWTP (same origin).
To describe the problem more precisely, the IFC import gives a mixture of polygon bodies, volume bodies, and graphic bodies. Some elements are out of place. When you rotate in the graphic space, the bodies seem to " tremble "...

And here's what you get with the 3D interconnect import option:

Clearly the IFC format is very badly managed by solidworks.
For a fairly light basic file, solidworks obtains an extremely heavy file in general.
The conversion is sometimes (often) impossible to perform (crash), and you have to ask the contact in Revit to cut the file into several pieces to be able to use it.
And the result obtained in SolidWorks is unfortunately often disgusting or even unusable sometimes. (triangulated surface, with sometimes surfaces that go wrong and the result you get)
And instead of working on improving these catastrophic imports, we prefer at Dassault Système to work in the fully connected with 3dexperience.
In the meantime under solidworks it is more and more complicated to exchange with Revit, an exchange that is unfortunately more and more regular because many construction companies work with this format.
When will there be a real reliable conversion? :hot_face: :hot_face: :hot_face:
From memory, the ifc is a point from which the triangulation of the surfaces but an improvement would surely be possible under revival, the result is normal.
Edit: here is something under 3D experience supposed to improve the import (since it is not usable under SW...):