SolidWorks Equation Update Issue

Hi all.

I have a problem with my assembly which is entirely controlled by a part.
That is to say that when I change my " pilot " dimensions, for example D1@esquisse1@tole.slprt, let's say 5mm by 10mm. This will modify the parts of my lower part and my upper part of my assembly.
No worries about it, everything is updated.

The problem is now:

Once my parameterized assembly is finished, I save it in my PDM.
As soon as I need to use it, I copy my assembly via the " tools / copy tree " option
I replace the name of the setting with the name of my current project. Everything copies cleanly, no worries.
BUT some equations, and this is the strange one, did not follow correctly. Some have updated with the new name replaced but others have kept the name of the original setting, so I have a " ?" next to my equation and I have to enter the name manually for it to take into account.

A problem that is a source of error for us.

I don't know if I was clear enough in my explanations.

Thank you for your help.