Problem Bubble Number Following SOLIDWORKS Welded Parts List


I have a small problem with the numbering of the bubbles (article number) following a list of welded parts:  On a plan book, the numbering of the balloons works normally on the first detail plan sheet of a part, but on the following sheets the numbering does not update with the list. (well.. sometimes yes, sometimes no...) Does anyone know where the problem comes from?

(Solidworks 2018 SP5)

Thank you



Right-click on your view (the one where your numbering is not correct), then other properties (bottom left),

Then in  bubbles look at what your bubble is attached to Nomenclature or list of welded parts.

It can come from that.


Super!! It came from there.

I was looking in the properties of the document, I hadn't thought of those of the view.

Thank you for your answer sbadenis.